Monday, December 19, 2011

11 years and still going strong

Because it's Christmas break, I am unfortunately apart from my photographer lover.  You'll have to put up with Instagram pho-tos for a little while....

For 11 years now, me and this beautiful lady have done an annual Christmas shopping fest.  We go to a store and we buy each other the exact same thing for Christmas.  She is a DOLL and has been a best friend now for 11 years.  Alisha.  I. Love. You.

This year, we decided to brave the H&M.  Parking was madness.  The parking lot was a parking lot....ha.  

People were honking and yelling at me as I waited for a girl to leave her parking spot and I thought,  Ya!  This is what Christmas is all about you WIENERS!

We went into H&M, and we immediately hated our lives.  It was packed and overwhelming.  Usually we spend hours in the store looking for the perfect gift for each other , but we got so drained from the crowds.

We thought we would buy these cardigans (pictured above) for eachother.  But ya know....sometimes the H&M just doesn't get it right.  We looked like a bunch of G-MA's but with perkier LADIES....

This year was different.  I bought Lish a Kate Middleton look alike dress, and she bought me a pair of leopard print gloves.  

You CANNOT go wrong with leopard print gloves.  Even if the guys behind us in the check out line did smell like dog turd.....


  1. You girls are so cute! That's such a fun tradition. I guess it would make it easier to know what to get each other! I'm enjoying your instagrams :)

  2. I loved that you blogged about this. Sorry I was hating life on Saturday, the crowds were just too much. Next year, we'll have to go earlier. I'm glad I got to see you on Sunday too - who would of that we would find each other in the middle of thousands at the conference center?
    Love you. xoxo

  3. and yes, the guys behind us were TERRIBLE!

  4. hahaha! Sounds like a great time. Are we instagram friends?! We should be! My username is gentrilee. Just in case we're not already.
