Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas was just lovely. Was yours?

 The Momma and Me

Pics from my actual Christmas day will come tomorrow.


Remember how I said that our family pretty much is a "Go big or Go home" kind of family?

The day before Christmas Eve, my mom and I went to a famous bakery in SLC called Gormandies.

It is just beautiful inside and all the goodies looked dynamite.  

When I go into places like this I always think, "Why the heck am I not this cool?  Why don't I own a bakery shop?"  And then my mind drifts into a random abyss of thoughts ending somewhere with why don't I have super powers like Eliza Thornberry on "The Wild Thornberry's?"

If you have never heard of that show- I'm more sorry for you than I am for myself.  Such a great childhood show for me and my "wild" imagination.  


My mom bought this beautiful fruit tart among other goodies for our Swedish Christmas Smorgasbord and being with my family was just delightful.

I hope yours was just as delightful!

Tomorrow, I'll show my fave XMAS present.  It's Rad.  


  1. Wow, that tart looks like heaven. I've never heard of that place, but I'll be looking it up!

  2. yes the tart looks amazing, as do you and your mom!

  3. You and your mom are so beautiful. Hope you had a great Christmas!

  4. Yum, drooling right now! Came across your blog from Gentri Lee's, super cute :)

    xo Shane

  5. Found your blog via Gentri. My friend just went to that bakery, and told me it was amazing. Now I want to go! Anyway, I love your voice in your blog posts :)

    Love, your newest follower
