Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Oh hey lemme get that for ya"

Shoes: Facade c/o Pamela Metcalf, Pantaloons: J.Crew, Blouse: J.Crew, Jacket: F21

Parties can sometimes be great....especially in this story.

I usually give Provo parties all the bad crap they deserve, but this one time it was....different.


This party only had cookies at it, which I thought was ab-surd.  Gimme some brownies or cupcakes for driving all the way over to your house, BRO-YO.

I managed to find the leftover cookie dough from the cookies by acting like I um....owned the place---AKA I opened their fridge and found it in there.  What?


I got carried away munching on mentioned cookie dough and got it all over my face.


The friend I came with who I had known for 3 1/2 years (We went to Jerusalem together) came over and said in the most playing tone ever--like a young babe who is playing with their mobile or a newly discovered rockstar who just got their first gig. (um whoa my brain is random when I write and his reaction really wasn't that extreme.)

Anyway he said, "Oh looks like you have some stuff on your uh..lips.  Hey lemme get it off for you."

He comes in and hesitates, then laughs, then looks at me.  I stare back and say, "'s still on my lips....."  (was that lame for me to say? I was just being playful back, right?)

At any rate, he came in and "got the cookie dough off my lips."

It like, kinda rocked, and I feel like I need to have cookie dough more often. 


  1. ahhhh whattttt. best. story. ever.

  2. First, those shoes are amazing. Second, that is the best story I have ever heard. I audible giggled/squealed when I read that. It belongs in a movie.

  3. HMM! BABAY! Getcha some! PS: Love the outfit gurrrrrrrl

  4. BAH! You better call me and give me the rest of that story. LOVE the pants.

  5. Hey Meg, it's Jill! Remember me? I got home from my mission. I saw Danielle a few weeks ago at Cold Stone. She said you guys are still good friends. We all need to get together sometime!

  6. love the pants and jacket!


  7. I swear I have the funnest (is that even a word?) time reading your blog! it's always something for me to look forward to.;D


  8. oh and may I just add.... you get... the stylish blogger award. ;D cause you know what you have impeccable style.

    with much respect. ;D

  9. Ahhh that's adorable! I really want there to be follow-up posts about this "friend" and whatever happens there. So much preciousness. Everywhere.
    Also, you are incredibly beautiful, and have lovely, lovely fashion sense. :)
